Friday, August 29, 2014

trciky programs

#define just do the copy and not doing any evaluations:

  • at first look it gives output like 1 but see carefully


#define square(x) x*x
int main()
  int x = 36/square(6); // Expended as 36/6*6
  printf("%d", x);
  return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#define MULTIPLY(a, b) a*b
int main()
    // The macro is expended as 2 + 3 * 3 + 5, not as 5*8
    printf("%d", MULTIPLY(2+3, 3+5));
    return 0;
// Output: 16

root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/double_pointer# cat dptr.c #include<stdio.h> int func(int **pointer_to_pointer); int main() { int a=10; int *ptr,**pptr; ptr = (int *) &a; pptr = &ptr; printf("\nvalue in *ptr =%d\n",*ptr); func(&ptr); printf("\nvalue in *ptr after func call =%d\n",*ptr); return 0; } int func(int **pointer_to_pointer) // to hold the address of another pointer { printf("\nvalue in pointer_to_pointer =%d\n",**pointer_to_pointer); **pointer_to_pointer = 20; } root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/double_pointer# gcc dptr.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/double_pointer# ./a.out value in *ptr =10 value in pointer_to_pointer =10 value in *ptr after func call =20 root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/double_pointer#


root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# cat func1.c
#include<stdio.h> int add(int a,int b) { return (a+b); } int main() { //function pointer declaration int (*addptr)(int,int); //assinging address to function pointer addptr=&add; //calling via function pointer printf("\n%d\n",addptr(10,20)); return 0; } root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# gcc func1.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# ./a.out 30 root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer#
root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# cat func2.c #include<stdio.h> void function_a(void); void function_b(void); void main() { void (*fp)(); fp = &function_a; (*fp)(); //prints "a" fp = &function_b; (*fp)(); //prints "b" } void function_a(void) { printf("a \n"); } void function_b(void) { printf("b\n"); }
root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# gcc func2.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# ./a.out a b root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer#
root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# cat calculator_using_fptr.c #include<stdio.h> float Plus (float a, float b) { return a+b; } float Minus (float a, float b) { return a-b; } float Multiply(float a, float b) { return a*b; } float Divide (float a, float b) { return a/b; } // Solution with a switch-statement - specifies which operation to execute void Switch(float a, float b, char opCode) { float result; // execute operation switch(opCode) { case '+' : result = Plus (a, b); break; case '-' : result = Minus (a, b); break; case '*' : result = Multiply (a, b); break; case '/' : result = Divide (a, b); break; } printf("\n result=%f",result); } // Solution with a function pointer // a function which takes two floats and returns a float. The function pointer // "specifies" which operation shall be executed. void Switch_With_Function_Pointer(float a, float b, float (*pt2Func)(float, float)) { float result = pt2Func(a, b); // call using function pointer printf("\n result=%f",result); } // Execute example code int main() { Switch(2, 5, /* '+' specifies function 'Plus' to be executed */ '+'); Switch_With_Function_Pointer(2, 5, /* pointer to function 'Minus' */ &Minus); return 0; } root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer#
root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# gcc calculator_using_fptr.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer# ./a.out result=7.000000 result=-3.000000root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/function_pointer#

root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/memory# cat last_byte.c #include<stdio.h> /* program to mask last one byte of the given number*/ int main() { short a=0x0101; // two byte integer in hex format short b; printf("\n%d\n",a); b = a & 0xff; // this mask last 1 byte printf("\n%d\n",b); return 0; } root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/memory# gcc last_byte.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/memory# ./a.out 257 1 root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/memory#

root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr# cat void2.c #include<stdio.h> struct Something { char *name; int a; }; int main() { int nValue =10; float fValue =20.2; char *name1 = "god"; char name2[] = "help"; struct Something sValue;"selva"; sValue.a=20; void *pVoid; //to showcase no error thrown pVoid = &nValue; // valid printf("nValue=%d\n",*((int *)pVoid)); pVoid = &fValue; // valid printf("nValue=%f\n",*((float *)pVoid)); pVoid = name1; // note than not giving the address since its already pointer *name1 printf("name1=%s\n",((char *)(pVoid))); pVoid = name2; // note than not giving the address since its already array name2[] printf("name2=%s\n",((char *)(pVoid))); pVoid = (; // valid printf("name=%s\n",((char *)(pVoid))); pVoid = &(sValue); printf("struct something sValue->a =%d\n",(((struct Something *)(pVoid))->a)); return 0; } root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr# gcc void2.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr# ./a.out nValue=10 nValue=20.200001 name1=god name2=help name=selva struct something sValue->a =20 root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr#

root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr# cat voidptr.c #include<stdio.h> enum Type { INT, FLOAT, STRING, }; void Print(void *pValue, enum Type eType) { int i;float f;char *c; switch (eType) { case INT: i = * ((int *)pValue); printf("\n%d\n",i); break; case FLOAT: f = *((float *)pValue); printf("\n%f\n",f); break; case STRING: c = (char *)pValue; printf("\n%s\n",c); break; } } int main() { int nValue = 5; float fValue = 7.5; char *szValue = "Mollie"; Print(&nValue, INT); Print(&fValue, FLOAT); Print(szValue, STRING); // note here no & symbol useed for char pointer return 0; } root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr# gcc voidptr.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr# ./a.out 5 7.500000 Mollie root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/voidptr#

root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/sizeof# cat size.c #include<stdio.h> /* */ int main() { printf("size of char * = %d\n",sizeof(char *)); printf("size of void * = %d\n",sizeof(void *)); return 0; } root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/sizeof# gcc size.c root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/sizeof# ./a.out size of char * = 4 size of void * = 4 root@selvakumar-Lenovo-B460e:/C_pgms/sizeof#

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> double average(int num,...) { va_list valist; double sum = 0.0; int i; /* initialize valist for num number of arguments */ va_start(valist, num); /* access all the arguments assigned to valist */ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { sum += va_arg(valist, int); } /* clean memory reserved for valist */ va_end(valist); return sum/num; } int main() { printf("Average of 2, 3, 4, 5 = %f\n", average(4, 2,3,4,5)); printf("Average of 5, 10, 15 = %f\n", average(3, 5,10,15)); }

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